
Should I Be on Social Media During the Coronavirus?

Social Media

The question is not, “When should I get back on social media?” it should be “What should I be posting right now to capture my audience?” HELLO, everyone is ON THEIR DEVICES! Why would you miss this opportunity?

Many businesses probably don't know what to say on their platform right now and think that finding the right message is tricky. They will most likely stop marketing or postpone their ads altogether. No one wants to come off as being insensitive by continuing to push sales because either a customer has had the virus or someone they know has had it. But by not marketing, it could actually HURT your business more. Staying on social media and continuing to market your business is one of the smartest things you could be doing during this time since so many people are glued to their phones. However, your strategy should be switching and providing value, insight, education, happiness, joy and sensitivity to what is happening in the world. 

People will remember a business during this time that continued to support their audience and provide valuable information. Those who decide to go dark or remain insensitive to what is going on, will not remain top of mind for their target audience. 

Right now is always a GREAT time to be developing your strategy for when the virus is over and people are ready to be opening those wallets up!! Plan now and execute later. This is a very valuable time for businesses. 

Here at PREM, we have been switching up our strategies to fit the needs of our clients. Some recommendations from us would be if you are trying to continue to bring in revenue,  discounting your services or creating a special package that you can offer to your customers. Definitely start doing more videos! Rather than promoting your business, you can talk about the ways your business is helping the community, such as delivery services and remote learning tools. This allows you to connect more with your audience. If your company holds a lot of events, then consider using Zoom to hold your virtual events. Posting on your social media platforms can help boost your attendance. If you are a brick-and-mortar business, then you may want to think about moving everything online. Using social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as well as Etsy, Amazon, and eBay, are all great ways to start small and build up! 

Not sure where to start? Don’t want to miss out on this golden opportunity? Contact us for a free social media audit. 

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